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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - dolphin


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Перевод с английского языка dolphin на русский

1) мор. пал 2) куст свай - cellular sheet-pile dolphin - forward dolphin - guiding dolphin - mooring dolphin - pile dolphin
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См. в других словарях

  швартовный пал куст свай; отбойная стенка baker dolphin bell dolphin berthing dolphin breasting dolphin crib dolphin flexible dolphin guiding dolphin mooring dolphin pile dolphin rigid dolphin turning dolphin ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дельфин; pl дельфиновые (Delphinidae) 2) ихт. корифена, дорадо (Coryphaena); pl корифеновые (Coryphaenidae) – Amazon dolphin – Amazonian white dolphin – Atlantic humpbacked dolphin – Atlantic spotted dolphin – Atlantic white-sided dolphin – black dolphin – black-chinned dolphin – blind dolphin – blue-white dolphin – Bornean dolphin – Bornean white dolphin – bottle-nosed dolphin – Brazilian dolphin – bridled dolphin – bridled slender-beaked dolphin – broad-beaked dolphin – Camerun river dolphin – Chilean dolphin – Chinese dolphin – Commerson's dolphin – common dolphin – cruciger white-sided dolphin – dusky dolphin dolphin – freckled dolphin – fresh-water dolphins – Gangetic dolphin – Gray's dolphin – Gray's white-sided dolphin – Guiana white dolphin – harnessed dolphin – hookfin dolphin – hourglass dolphin – humpbacked dolphin – Indian broad-beaked dolphin – Irrawaddy dolphin – La Plata dolphin – lead-colored dolphin – long-beaked dolphin – Malaysian dolphin – Meyen's dolphin – narrow-snouted dolphin – northern right whale dolphin – ocean dolphins – Pacific white-sided dolphin – Peale's dolphin – Peron's dolphin – piebald dolphin – ploughshare-headed dolphin – plumbeous dolphin – Red Sea bottle-nosed dolphin – ridge-backed dolphin – right whale dolphin – Risso's dolphin – river dolphin – rough-toothed dolphin – short-beaked dolphin – small-headed dolphin – southern dolphin – southern right whale dolphin – southern striped dolphin – speckled dolphin – spinner dolphin – spotted dolphin – striped dolphin – sword-toothed dolphin – Tasmanian bottle-nosed dolphin – Torres Strait dolphin – West African white dolphin – whale dolphin – white dolphin – white-beaked dolphin – white-bellied dolphin – white-bellied right whale dolphin – white flag dolphin – white-fronted dolphin – white-sided dolphin – white-striped dolphin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. зоол. дельфин, белобочка (Delphinus gen.) 2. энт. черная тля (Aphis fabae) 3. (D.) астр. Дельфин (созвездие) 4. мор. швартовый пал; причальная тумба; причальная бочка 5. мор. деревянный кранец 6. спорт. дельфин (способ плавания; также dolphin kick) dolphin dive —- выныривание "дельфином" ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) zool. дельфин (настоящий); дельфин-белобочка  2) naut. швартовый пал; свайный куст; деревянный кранец ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 any of various porpoise-like sea mammals of the family Delphinidae having a slender beaklike snout. 2 (in general use) = DORADO 1. 3 a bollard, pile, or buoy for mooring. 4 a structure for protecting the pier of a bridge. 5 a curved fish in heraldry, sculpture, etc. Etymology: ME, also delphin f. L delphinus f. Gk delphis -inos ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English delphyn, dolphyn, from Anglo-French delphin, alteration of Old French dalfin, from Medieval Latin dalfinus, alteration of Latin delphinus, from Greek delphin-, delphis; akin to Greek delphys womb, Sanskrit garbha  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) any of various small marine toothed whales (family Delphinidae) with the snout more or less elongated into a beak and the neck vertebrae partially fused  (2) any of several related chiefly freshwater toothed whales (as of the family Platanistidae)  b. porpoise 1  2. either of two active pelagic bony food fishes (Coryphaena equiselis and C. hippuras of the family Coryphaenidae) of tropical and temperate seas — called also ~fish  3. capitalized Delphinus  4. a spar or buoy for mooring boats; also a cluster of closely driven piles used as a fender for a dock or as a mooring or guide for boats ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dolphins) A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a very intelligent sea animal like a fish with a long grey pointed nose ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1350, from O.Fr. daulphin, from M.L. dolfinus, from L. delphinus "dolphin," from Gk. delphis (gen. delphinos) "dolphin." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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